Early LEDs (years ago) particularly had chunky bases that got in the way. I've thrown out both bulbs and fixtures that were prone to this problem. Sometimes screwing the bulb in more firmly can help but if it does, sometimes when it heats up everything moves enough to make the problem come back. Sometimes if the socket has an unnecessary plastic or cardboard sleeve that rises up too high you can shave that down. Don't try if you're not sure and don't rely on just turning off the light switch. insert it in the lightbulb, then pull the. tie a long sting around the piece or glass or metal. after u hallow it out, find a long (about half the size of the lightbulb), slender piece of glass or metal.
#Tricky test 2 light bulb how to#
Sometimes you can fix it by bending up the terminal at the bottom of the socket, if you know how to do that without electrocuting yourself. something interesting to do w/ the light bulb is making it into a small vase for a plant. If you have this problem it's hard to tell if it's "the bulb" or "the socket". This can happen with any bulb but some LEDs are more prone to it because the plastic body between the base and the lens is shaped in a way that prevents the bulb from screwing down far enough. Sometimes the tip of a bulb doesn't make good contact with the hot terminal at the bottom of the socket. I would however be more cautious with suspiciously cheap online product. If you see a $20 dimmable 60W equivalent and a 12 pack of dimmable 60W equivalents for $1.50 each at a big box store, the cheaper bulbs are often just as good or superior and still Underwriters Lab or CSA approved as appropriate for my area. One other note, in the north American market, quality doesn't correlate well with cost. I've had not particularly few die inside two years and my area isn't subject to dirty power or other additional wear factors. Based on the number I've had die before their lifespan, it's also possible that the actual MTBF may be even lower if they believe only a small number of people will return a 10 year bulb that lasted 8 years. They are designed based on Mean Time Before Failure(MTBF) so if you design based on a 10 year MTBF, some will fail before then and some will last longer. Incandescent light bulbs were the traditional light bulb standard for many years, but LED light bulbs are the new go-to light bulb for many reasons. Just a word to the wise about LED bulbs: They vary hugely in quality and ratings are not particularly consistent between brands. LED light bulbs, tube lights, fluorescent tube lights, black light bulbs, night lights, LED tube lights - the list goes on in all kinds of shapes, sizes and watts. There could be a loose connection or as some LED bulbs contain electronic drive circuits, the electronics could be failing intermittently. You're performed a test of switching bulbs with another, and the problem follows the bulb, making it quite likely the bulb is the problem.